The Bull Valley Riding Club owns our own Large Animal Lift as a resource for our members, as well as the broader local equestrian community, when a difficult situation arises. We have successfully utilized the device on a number of occasions, and periodically, the club conducts training sessions for our members.

We offer the following summary information and video as a courtesy for our members and the community.


Information and video courtesy of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and Large Animal Lift Enterprises.

The Large Animal Lift is a lightweight device that can be easily applied to lift a down horse. It is a lightweight, simple to use, affordable piece of equipment that can be used in the following ways:

  • Lifting down horses in the field using a tractor, back hoe or other overhead device.
  • Anesthesia recovery assist.
  • Pulling recumbent horses from stalls or trailers.
  • Lifting or pulling horses stuck in mud, ravines etc.
  • Lifting weak, older horses that get down and can’t rise.
  • Preventing horses with pelvic injuries or other orthopedic injuries from laying down. 
  • Can be used to pull a horse to a skid device and then lifted out of many difficult circumstances. 

The Large Animal Lift training video is viewable at

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